
6 Tips To De-Stress Your Pesach Prep

My husband I got married two weeks before Pesach, so that first year we were guests. After that, we’ve been making Pesach ever since.  As the COO of Jew in the City, part of my job is being organized, having a plan and executing it, which is really the key to making Pesach.  While the […]

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How To Wear Spring 2018 Fashion Trends Modestly

With the New York Times declaring that modesty is the defining sartorial style of the 2010s, there is no better time to shine your inner tznius light than right now. This Spring season, a celebration of fabric, patterns, draping and design are available in modest shapes, all over mainstream fashion. Many designers are making modesty […]

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The Kosher Luxury Costa Rican Vacation You Need!

If winter blues are getting you down, perhaps it is time to replace them with blue skies, white sands, and turquoise waters in one of the most beautiful places on earth – Costa Rica. While the country has a small Jewish population of 2000-3000 and boasts a few shuls and kosher restaurants in its capital […]

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The Silver Platter Presents: Three Amazing Dishes for Your Purim Seuda

Hey everyone! Purim is around the corner. Time to start planning! It’s important to get creative with your recipes. Here are a bunch of yummy, easy and festive recipes that will enhance your Purim. Xoxo, Daniella   EVERYTHING KALE SALAD pareve, gluten-free, yields 10 servings Every Shabbos, my good friend, Emily Hershtal, makes this delicious […]

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