
How One Orthodox Jewish Mom Told Her Kids About Birds & Bees

Worrying doesn’t just run in the women of my family – it does marathons. And after hearing about a child abuse case in a pre-school California in the early 80’s, my mother was terrified of all the horrible ways my sisters and I could be kidnapped, killed, and molested (though not necessarily in that order). […]

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Why Do Some Rabbis Claim To Know The Reason For Suffering?

Dear Jew in the City, A terrible tragedy befell the Jewish people this week when seven innocent children were killed in a fire in Brooklyn. As we mourn and attempt to comfort each other through this great sorrow I have heard that there are rabbis who claim to “know” the reason these precious souls were […]

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Breaking News: Halachic Prenup Backed By Major Haredi Rabbis

Jew in the City was founded in order to break down stereotypes about the Orthodox community and publicize all the positive news about religious Jews that rarely makes the news. But about a year ago I realized that some of the negative ideas people have about our community aren’t based on “bad apples” or misconceptions. They’re […]

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When Do You Mention Shabbos Observance in A Job Interview?

Dear Jew in the City, When during an interview/hiring process should you bring up keeping Shabbos/Jewish holiday absence questions? At the time of offer? At the initial interview? What would a good response be to the question, “Are you available nights and weekends if we need you to come in?” Wondering how people handle this. […]

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The Orthodox Jews Who Share Their Seats and Their Hearts

Yoni Greenstein, an Orthodox Jewish man who grew up in Monsey and works in corporate America, realized something six years ago: many companies have seats at ballgames and events meant for clients which go unused, while many Jewish children suffering from illness and other difficulties could benefit from a pick-me-up that free seats at a […]

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