
Hasidic Jews Watch “Fiddler on the Roof” For the First Time

“Fiddler on the Roof” is a classic movie all about family, faith, and most importantly – tradition! It follows the footsteps and portrays the lives of families in the Orthodox Jewish community back in shtetl Russia. People always assume the movie is about Hasidim (even though it’s not) so we thought it would be funny to show it to real Hasidic Jews and get their take. In this short and entertaining clip, our Hasidic viewers offer their feedback, song, and even some insight into their actual Hasidic lives. One viewer doesn’t like how the Jewish women are portrayed in the film. Another viewer likes how happy the rabbi is. Our cast includes Abe Karpen, an actor who starred alongside Natalie Portman in “New York, I Love You.” L’chaim

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  • Avatar photo Rifky says on January 7, 2018

    How could frum men watch Fiddler? Did they mute the Kol Isha parts?

    • Avatar photo Allison Josephs says on April 14, 2021

      We only showed them select parts.


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