
Hasidic Song “Bas Kol” Goes Viral & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

A Brooklyn Bakery Appeals to Observant Jews and Pizza Fans – The New York Times writes about Isaac’s Bake Shop, a kosher, Orthodox owned bakery which has a surprisingly large non-kosher fan base. How ‘Bas Kol’ Became a Viral Hasidic Hit – A Yiddish song, sung at a Chasidic wedding becomes an internet sensation! 10 Stylish, Orthodox […]

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Can Orthodox Women Be Rabbis?

People have asked me to write about this topic for quite some time, but I have always hesitated because I knew that the moment I put words onto the screen, I would get complaints from those to the right and to the left of me. It is the perpetual problem of a person who tries […]

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Can Orthodox Jews Listen To Secular Music?

Dear Jew in the City, Thank you for this wonderful site. As a “frum BT,” (returnee to observance) for over 30 years, I have continued listening to and relaxing to my favorite type of music (from before I became “frum“) namely soft rock i.e. love songs with feelings. I am 50, married for 27 years […]

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The 12 Year Old Orthodox Girl Who Does Gymnastics In A Skirt

This past week was a sort of watershed moment for me as an Orthodox Jewish mom. My 12-year-old daughter, who had never shown any particular interest in gymnastics, suddenly HAD to join a local gym, with her bestest girlfriends, like…ASAP. I casually asked if the class was all female, because she is over the age of bat […]

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The Get Story You Never Heard

*Author’s name has been changed to protect anonymity. When I finally came to terms with the fact that I was going to have to go through with a get (Jewish divorce), I did some research and quickly learned that there isn’t a lot of information out there apart from some awful films and some sites which […]

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