
Groundbreaking Ruling For Jewish Divorce Out of Israel

The Torah on one foot according to Hillel is “what is hateful to you don’t do to your neighbor.” However, because the process of Jewish divorce, according to Torah law, gives the upper hand to the husband, men will sometimes abuse this power and use a get (Jewish divorce document) as leverage against their wives […]

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Hasidic Jews Watch “Fiddler on the Roof” For the First Time

“Fiddler on the Roof” is a classic movie all about family, faith, and most importantly – tradition! It follows the footsteps and portrays the lives of families in the Orthodox Jewish community back in shtetl Russia. People always assume the movie is about Hasidim (even though it’s not) so we thought it would be funny […]

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The Wig-Wearing Orthodox HBO Producer

When most people think of celebrity chef and Orthodox Jewish All Star, Jamie Geller, the obvious image that springs to mind is an aproned, spatula-wielding author of several best-selling kosher cookbooks, and most notably, Joy of Kosher. However, Geller’s professional origin story begins not behind a counter, but behind a camera. As a child growing […]

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