
Kosher Food Truck “Brooklyn Sandwich Company” Opens on GW Campus & Other Orthodox Jews in the News


Bulletproof Stockings’ Co-founder Goes Solo

Brooklyn-based Perl Wolfe breaks down stereotypes with her genre-bending indie-rock music. The catch? She only plays for women, and has a new venture in mind to help them rock out all the more.

These Frum Filmmakers Are Revolutionizing Orthodox Cinema

What started as a Chol HaMoed filmed production of plays has become a fast-growing sector of the Orthodox film market. Now, films by women and for women are here to stay.

Freshman is Driving Force Behind DC’s New Kosher Food Truck

What better way to solve the issue of a lack of kosher food on the GW campus and in downtown DC than to launch your own business? The hottest new food truck in DC is the creative brainchild of a frum freshwoman!

A Modern Orthodox Born-and-Bred New Yorker Getting the Job Done in the IDF

Having grown up idolizing Israel and all that it stands for, one shomer mitzvos young woman has ascended to the rank of commander. While being a “lone soldier” can be lonely, she makes up for it in innovative ways.

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