
Modest Fall Fashion Outlook for Yom Tov and Beyond

Summer is somewhat a distant dream and nature is taking its course. The Autumn season has begun, the leaves are changing colour and our wardrobes are going through a revamp. As the grey rainy clouds embrace us and the cold chill of winter hovers in the air, we are all fighting that urge to switch […]

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The Silver Platter: Yummy Soups To Stay Warm In Your Sukkah!

These soups are great options for this time of year. They are hearty and healthy for the holidays and help keep you warm and comfy on cold Sukkos nights. Happy holidays everyone! xo, Daniella For these recipes and much more, check out Daniella and Norene Gilletz’s bestselling cookbook, The Silver Platter: Simple Elegance. With old […]

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Like Jonah, I Too Once Tried To Run Away From God

I once tried to run away from God – much like Jonah. I wasn’t swallowed by a giant fish at sea, but I did get pretty big wake up call on land. It was 1997, my senior year of high school. I was on a journey towards becoming more observant that year. I had started […]

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