
Anti-Semitic Attacks Up by 435% Worldwide in Wake of Israel Conflict

With shocking videos captured by bystanders worldwide, the apparent huge uptick in anti-semitic attacks has been seen and felt in major cities worldwide in the past few days. From London and Toronto, to New York and Los Angeles, Jews have endured bottles smashed on them and their businesses, had their homes targeted for having mezuzahs, […]

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Orthodox Jewish Man Almost Lynched at Pro-Israel NYC Rally

After a protest of pro-Palestinian supporters and a counter-protest of Israel supporters clashed in Midtown Manhattan, a Jewish man was beaten, chased and took refuge in a store, which helped him by locking the door on the angry mob. Tensions over the dire situation in Israel are inciting online aggression and threats, but this attack […]

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Orthodox Jewish Man Killed In Possible Hate Crime in Baltimore

An Chabad Hasidic Israeli man who was visiting Baltimore to attend the wedding of a cousin was shot and killed on Sunday night. Efraim Gordon, z’l, worked in IT and was 31 years old. According to the Baltimore Police Department, the motive appeared to be an attempted robbery, but he family of the victim told COLlive […]

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Tens of Thousands of Anti-Semitic Tweets Follow Meron Tragedy

After news site Al Jazeera reported on the tragedy in Meron, 30,000 people commented on Twitter within the first six hours of the news being tweeted. Unfortunately, more than a third of the comments were either making fun of what happened or praising the fact that Jews had died. Investigative journalist David Collier was sad […]

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