
Jew in the City Reacts to My Unorthodox Life

“My Unorthodox Life” is a story about someone unhappy in her relationships framed as a story about an extreme form of Judaism that Julia Haart never actually lived.

To see how to answer the Jewish issues raised in the series, see this article here.

To get an understanding of the motivation for many people leaving Orthodoxy, as we’ve seen in our Makom branch, see this article here.

To experience the magic of the Orthodox Jewish All Stars, see these videos on Orthodox Jewish All Stars here.

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  • Avatar photo Ida Plotzker says on July 22, 2021

    Thank you Allison! Well said.

    • Avatar photo L K says on August 3, 2021

      This show is the perfect example of how, we as Jews, are our own worst enemy. It is irresponsible of Netflix to air this esp with the rise of antisemitism. She describes Orthodoxy as if it was a brainwashing cult while attempting to brainwash her children and their spouses against anything that in any way is influenced by Orthodoxy. I am not Frum. We are all Jews and we need to stand up for our own. History has shown that if we don’t, no one else will. This show is trash.

  • Avatar photo Chana says on July 23, 2021

    Thanks for always saying the right word in the right time!
    You are a real role model!

  • Avatar photo Leah says on July 26, 2021

    Absolutely fantastic review of that horrendous show. Well said!

  • Avatar photo Svetlana says on July 31, 2021

    I don’t like in this show that exception from the rules, disfunctional family were presented like usual thing happening in chasidish community. Gentile people watching this distorted information will have wrong impression about Judaism.This is what happens when Jews libel themselves.

  • Avatar photo JNC says on August 8, 2021

    Thank you for continuing to be the voice of reason in an unreasonable world.
    I find it ironic that Ms. Haart preaches freedom of thought… as long as “free thinking” aligns with hers (or we are victims of oppression).
    I resent Ms Haart’s assertions that Orthodox women are “baby making machines” and uneducated, illiterate, marginalized simpletons. Is she implying that women whose “machines” cannot have children are broken??
    I don’t define myself that way & neither do my 4 accomplished/educated daughters or my many friends who have BOTH extensive Jewish educations & advanced secular education as well. Their husbands (& my own) cook, clean, drive carpool & care for our children just as we women earn a living, make home repairs, fix plumbing and manage finances.
    I know many people from the Atlanta Orthodox community, including clergy of the main OU synagogue. They are warm, welcoming, educated people.
    I find her need to seek acceptance of the world by objectifying & her flaunting her sexuality is rather comical. If she wants to be respected for her knowledge & accomplishments, why does she need to strut around in her underwear in public? How does that make her respected for her brains?
    If you want to make different choices, fine. But why does she have to bash Torah in the process?


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