
Remembering Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Shannon Nuszen: From Missionary to Observant Jew
Shannon Nuszen, a former Evangelical missionary, is today a Torah-observant Jew. In light of the recent controversy in Israel concerning the now-defunct missionizing Shelanu TV program – an offshoot of the widespread GOD TV – both directed especially at Jews, I wanted to find out what spreading the Gospel to Jews implies, and its modus operandi.

Borsht in Bahrain: Manama’s Ritz Carlton to Serve Kosher Food
The Ritz Carlton Hotel in Bahrain’s capital plans to start serving kosher food in the coming days, it announced on Monday. The US-based Orthodox Union will oversee the process, helping the luxury hotel establish a new kosher kitchen and certify that the food prepared there adheres strictly to Jewish dietary laws, according to a press release.

Jonathan Sacks, Former Chief Rabbi, is Buried in Modest Ceremony
Jonathan Sacks, the former chief rabbi, was buried in a small ceremony on Sunday, less than 24 hours after his death from cancer was announced, in keeping with Jewish custom. The service was conducted in line with government Covid guidelines, meaning a maximum of 30 people present. The funeral of such a high-profile figure in the Jewish community would have attracted hundreds or thousands of mourners in non-pandemic times.

JCT Hosts First-Ever Conference Examining if Lab-Grown Meat is Kosher
The Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT), in partnership with the Sulamot Organization, held a first-ever international conference last week which examined the field of tissue engineering from a halachic-scientific perspective. The “Is a Lab-Grown Burger Fleishig?” The conference was held by the Torah and Technology Center at JCT and brought local and international researchers together with leading rabbis, who discussed fascinating Halachic perspectives of cell culture technology.

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