
Haredim Learn to Prevent Abuse & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Preventing Sexual Abuse in the Ultra-Orthodox Community
Tahel, the crisis center for religious women and children, is reaching out to one of the most insulated communities in Israel by tackling sexual abuse among the ultra-Orthodox. Monday was the first day of the group’s three-day conference titled, “Creating Safe Communities; Creating Hope.” The gathering at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Jerusalem brought some 100 speakers and about 600 attendees from 15 countries to discuss topics often not touched upon in the religious community.

Belgian Jews Sue To Overturn Ban On Kosher Slaughter
The umbrella group representing French-speaking Jewish communities in Belgium filed an appeal with a federal court against a regional ban on the production of kosher and halal meat. The Belgian Federation of Jewish Organizations, or CCOJB, filed the motion with the Constitutional Court of Belgium earlier this week, seeking an injunction against the ban passed in May by the parliament of Belgium’s Wallonia region – one of the binational kingdom’s three autonomous regions, CCOJB president, Yohan Benizri, told JTA Tuesday.

Bar Mitzvah for Boy Rescued From Arab Village
A moving event took place Monday at the Western Wall plaza in Jerusalem, when to the sound of excited singing, a young man accepted the yoke of Torah and mitzvot, becoming a Jewish man. Not an eye remained dry among the family members and the Yad L’Achim anti-assimilation activists present as the Bar Mitzvah boy donned tefillin (phylacteries) that the organization purchased for him. Some present at the event who were not aware of the bar mitzvah boy’s secret could not have imagined that the boy grew up as a Muslim child.

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