
Jew in the City: Freeda Wigs Makeover Edition

Jew in the City gets ambushed by Freeda Wigs! It’s the world’s first sheitel makeover! (Video is meant for women.)

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  • Avatar photo Malka says on January 27, 2012

    Bli ayin hara you are so beautiful and modest! You are a light to everyone around you and a true example of jewish modesty and style.

  • Avatar photo Allison says on January 27, 2012

    Thanks so much, Malka!

  • Avatar photo Auriel says on March 30, 2012

    I haven’t checked out your vids in a while. At first I thought you were going to end up with the same wig to be funny! LOL

    But seriously? You look FABULOUS! I love your new look!

  • Avatar photo Allison says on March 30, 2012

    Thanks, Auriel!

  • Avatar photo Phyllis says on April 26, 2012

    I’m not even Jewish and I absolutely love your website and bits of wisdom. Thanks for your continued enlightenment.

  • Avatar photo Schvach says on April 28, 2012

    I can’t believe what Muslim women are missing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You, on the other hand, look superb in your new sheitl.

    • Avatar photo Beth Jacobs says on December 26, 2017

      Hey, don’t knock hijabs! Muslim women are doing it for the right reason (it’s not avodah zara/idol worship) and I think that can look beautiful too.
      Can’t watch the video… but JITC always looks great 🙂

  • Avatar photo Aharon says on June 19, 2014

    That was nice of Rod Stewart to make an appearance at 2:37…

  • Avatar photo David DeVries says on September 8, 2017

    That looks very impressing. I am a wig designer for years now and give education tot wig salons all over the world of the newest bonding systems also for hairpieces. What I see in this video is that the hair is from a high quality standard. I see the movements of the hair. Hopefully is the knotting and the caps also from the same quality as the hair.Keep up the good job Allison. Nice to see your video’s. Greetings from The Netherlands. David


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