
JITC BranchesJITC Branches

From the archivesFrom the archives

Beautiful Sukkah Designs

Seven Beautiful Sukkah Designs You Have to See

While Purim gets much of the credit for being the Jewish holiday for expressing artistic skills, Sukkos is underrated as a time of year when creativity can thrive. With many rules inherent in sukkah building, many people stick to the wood, laminate, canvas or lattice walls that are relatively easy-to-build and that meet the halachic […]

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A Hasidic Jew Weighs In On Feeling Vulnerable With Increasing Attacks

With attacks on Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn up 50% in 2019 from 2018 and the recent shooting in Jersey City, observant Jews, and Hasidim in particular, are feeling very vulnerable in the New York City area. We asked a member of Makom to explain how she is feeling in this climate. Here’s what she said: […]

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My Pre-Yom Kippur Lesson at Trader Joe’s

A friend did a great kindness for my family and me, so I went to buy her flowers. White hydrangeas, pale yellow roses and bright yellow spray roses adorned my cart at Trader Joe’s as I proceeded to do my weekly shop.  Somewhere along the way, I jarred the flowers while I was loading up. […]

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Should I Say a Blessing on the Covid-19 Vaccine?

Dear JITC- I never said a blessing on another vaccine. Why are people saying one now? Thanks, Rochie Dear Rochie- Thanks for your question. Before we discuss the possibility of reciting a bracha upon receiving the vaccination for COVID-19, I’d like to address some principles of brachos generally. The fact that we recite brachos is […]

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Popular videosPopular videos

Jew in the City Presents “The Sound of Silence” feat. The Maccabeats

In a world obsessed with devices, it occurred to me that we are living in an age where silence dominates many situations. Silence between couples, silence between families, silence everywhere you turn as people tap, tap, tap on their devices. What an isolating existence. But what if there was an antidote to silence? What if […]

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“Science vs. Religion: Mayim Bialik and the OTHER Big Bang Theory” Ep. 4, Season 2

Big Bang Theory star, Mayim Bialik, asks Jew in the City can science and religion work together in a Jewish framework? While there are some Orthodox Jews who believe in a literal account of the creation story, many of us hold that the events must be understood another way. RAMBAM, also known as Maimonides, stated […]

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Sheryl Sandberg In Screams Before Silence: A Modern Day Esther

“It’s been an honor to do this. I spent a lot of time in my life advocating for women. This is the most important work of my life. Maybe everything I’ve done has led to this moment.” Sheryl Sandberg’s “Screams Before Silence” won a Keter Shem Tov Award for proud and authentic Jewish representation at […]

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This Orthodox Jew Produced One Of The Oscars 2025 Commercials

Being a proud Jew in Hollywood isn’t easy these days, especially in a time when the best documentary at the Oscars goes to a pro-Palestinian film, where the filmmakers call what is happening in Gaza “ethnic cleansing,” and the crowd applauds. Being an Orthodox Jew in Hollywood has never been easy, especially when a call […]

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Lives We’ve Changed

I’m a Christian… I love JITC because it helps me to learn more about a culture I know basically nothing about. I’m a college student and, in part because of the curiosity about other faiths that your work instilled in me, I’m a religious studies minor. I want you to know that you are making a difference not only in the lives of Jews, but in the lives of gentiles as well.

Grace K

I love Jew In The City!!! I’m a senior college student with a secular family and a very religious sister. I’ve been sending JITC episodes to my dad and aunt to help them better understand my sister’s Jewish decision. Thanks for tackling things that can be really tough to explain!


I really enjoy watching your videos. I’m Christian (not really religious though) and I live in Switzerland where most of the Jews are ultra-orthodox so they appear a little odd to Christians at first sight… But watching your blog brought me a whole different perspective. Most of the Mizwas that appeared pretty silly to me made actually a lot of sense after your explanation… Thanks for opening up my mind! Keep up with the good work!


I live near a large Hasidic Jewish community and have had a lot of questions and misjudgments about them. I just love watching your videos because they help answer my questions! God bless!


I am from a different world, a different religion, and when I say different, I mean it… I am an Arab, a Muslim who totally respects you and admires you and I mean it with all my heart. You are in a quest to break down stereotypes… and no matter how each of our backgrounds fear the other and view each other as the bad people, I am here to tell you, you have made me understand more and respect more.

Your fan from Kuwait

I have to tell you something about your video about headcovering--my husband and I had decided that we wanted to move towards more observance, but hadn't really taken any big steps. And then I saw your video and it made such perfect sense; I started covering my hair full-time, and that one mitzvah has snowballed to tzniut, Shabbat, taharat hamishpacha, having a kosher kitchen. And it all started with your video...


I tend to have a hard time hearing ‘the laws’ and the ‘shoulds’ and the ‘musts’...but I have to say, your wit and humor in getting these messages across got me listening. I watched every video on Youtube and immensely enjoyed each one. Looking forward to more of your stuff! Thanks for doing the work you are doing; Jew in the City is definitely on to something BIG.


I am so happy I found JITC... It has sincerely strengthened the relationship between me and my mother. I have recently become observant. Its been difficult to explain to my parents why I love Judaism & why I choose to follow certain laws now, however, JITC has been a great medium of explaining the Jewish faith that we never truly understood. JITC, you're doing a great mitzvah!


I love your blog and hope to see more of it. I saw your first episode on modesty and hair covering before I got married. You made it acceptable for me to become frum and I am now happily married with 2 beautiful kids. I cover my hair all the time, something I never thought I would do. Thanks so much for your blog and explaining orthodox life in everyday language.

Chava J.

Your blog has such value. You are a huge positive influence for me becoming observant. You make it accessible.


Whew! You have really opened my eyes to a lot. I am actually going to start studying with my local rebbetzin. Much of that has to do with you.


I love your site. You have deeply affected my life and helped me become more observant. Thank you so much. I can't wait until your next episode!

Jaclyn S.

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