
Are Jews Allowed To Pray On The Temple Mount?

Dear Jew in the City, Are Jews allowed to pray on the Temple Mount? Sincerely, AJ Dear AJ, Thanks for your question. The answer is both halachic and political. Before we get to the question of praying on the Temple Mount, let’s first address whether Jews may even ascend the Temple Mount. Short answer: it’s […]

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Hallel On Seder Night Is Different From All Other Hallels

Kadesh, urchatz, karpas…tzafun, barech, Hallel, nirtzah. Kiddush, washing, karpas…afikomen, grace after meals, Hallel… Many of us have been singing the steps of the seder for as long as we can remember – which is great if we want to remember what to do, but not so great if we want to think about why we […]

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Pre-Race NYC Marathon Minyan Gives Spiritual Strength to Runners

Before this year’s NYC Marathon began on Staten Island, a large number of Orthodox Jewish runners joined the “Marathon Minyan.” There, participants were able to daven, stretch, enjoy a kosher bite of food and get strength and blessings from each other before the race. This is the 50th anniversary of the 26.2 mile race, and […]

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