
Yes, Ashkenazi Jews Can Eat Soft Matzah On Pesach

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Pill is a senior lecturer at Emory Law School, and senior fellow and associate director of law and Judaism at Emory’s Center for the Study of Law and Religion, where his work focuses on Jewish and Islamic law, religious liberty, and U.S. law for clergy and religious organizations. He also bakes his […]

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Pre-Passover Blood Libels In New York Times And New York Post

This week, not one but two viciously anti-semitic articles were written in two major New York based news outlets. I heard about the New York Times article first, from Newsweek deputy opinion editor, Batya Ungar-Sargon. Her tweet summed up the article perfectly: Who needs the Daily Stormer when you’ve got the New York Times? An […]

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Doesn’t Kosher for Passover Bread Defeat the Purpose of Pesach?

Dear JITC- Doesn’t kosher for Passover bread defeat the purpose of Pesach? Thank you, Ron Dear Ron- To answer this question, I’d like to quote a 1973 episode of The Brady Bunch, “Greg Gets Grounded.” When Mike and Carol Brady discover that their oldest son, Greg, was driving irresponsibly, they decide to ground him as […]

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Five Fun Chol HaMoed Activities You Can Do In Lockdown

Every Chol HaMoed, families start to ask each other “What are you doing for Chol HaMoed?” While some have the tradition to stay in their Sukkah as much as possible, the weather is sometimes prohibitive (whether it’s raining like in New York, or 100 degrees in LA). Others want to get out and enjoy the […]

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Make A Personal Dayenu List During Coronavirus

When so many things that we relied on and were comforted by get stripped away, we have a chance to start at the basics, take an account of all we do still have, and say thank you for it. We all have a personal list of Dayenus (which literally means “It would have been enough […]

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