
Makom Members Highlight The Dysfunction in My Unorthodox Life

Many Makom members immediately spotted the dysfunctional behaviors of Julia Haart from My Unorthodox Life based on the dysfunctional patterns in their own childhoods, which contributed to them being pushed out of their homes. Here are the thoughts of a couple of our members: I’m all for people expressing their feelings and talking about their […]

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How Does Jewish Wisdom Direct Us to Work Through Trauma?

Dear Jew in the City- How does Jewish wisdom direct us to work through trauma? Thanks, Shua Dear Shua- Thanks very much for your question. I don’t want to answer it. That’s not to say that it isn’t important. It’s very important. I just don’t think that it’s for me to answer. (It might not […]

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What Jewish Sources Give Us Permission to Question?

Dear Jew in the City- As a child, my questions were silenced. I was told to just believe and not question. As I have gotten older, I have met Orthodox Jews who encourage questioning. But I’m still not sure it’s ok. What sources give us permission to question? Thanks, Chaya M. Dear Chaya M. – […]

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Jewish Couple

Why Do Orthodox Jewish Women Shave Their Heads?

Dear Jew in the City- Why do Orthodox Jewish women shave their heads? Thank you, Kylie Dear Kylie- Thanks for your question. To say that Orthodox Jewish women shave their heads is a huge generalization, and not a particularly accurate one. What the majority of Orthodox women do is cover their hair. The parameters of […]

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