
Holocaust Education Isn’t Working, But This Can

Two-thirds of the world either doesn’t know that the Holocaust happened—or they deny that it did. The Jewish community has invested tremendous resources to spread awareness and education about the Holocaust, in order to prevent another one, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Additionally, 41% of Americans don’t know what Auschwitz is and 56% of Austrians don’t […]

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This Woman’s Grandmother Aided Nazis, Then She Became A Jew

In the 1940’s, Vered Ben Sa’adon’s Dutch grandmothers grew up close to one another in terms of distance, yet were living worlds apart. As teenagers, one of them hid from the Nazis while the other aided them. Like Anne Frank, her paternal grandmother, Liesje de Vries, not only lived in hiding for years, she also wrote […]

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The Anti-Semite Who Reminded Me That It was Tisha B’Av

“I can’t fall asleep,” my son told me as he walked into my room one evening last week. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “We watched a movie about the Holocaust today in camp,” he explained. The Holocaust, I thought – giving Jewish children nightmares since the Holocaust. It was the right thing to show at camp, since […]

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