
Can Judaism Help Me Cope With Election Anxiety?

Dear Jew in the City- Are there any Torah sources to counter anxiety? To live in the present and not worry about the future? The election outcome is making me nervous. Thank you, A.C. Dear A.C.- Thanks for your question. When I was 18, my life was profoundly changed by the book Gateway to Happiness […]

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Is There a Problem With Trick-or-Treating According to Judaism?

Dear JITC- Is there a problem with trick-or-treating according to Judaism? If so, why? Thanks, Jamie Dear Jamie- Thanks for your question, though I don’t know how relevant it will be this year. Thanks to the global pandemic, I suspect there will be far less trick-or-treating this year than in the past, and I certainly […]

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Does the COVID Pandemic Affect Fasting on Yom Kippur This Year?

Dear JITC- What are some possible ways the Covid pandemic might affect fasting on Yom Kippur this year? If I have symptoms, if I’ve been exposed, if I’m sick, if I’m higher risk, if I’m the ba’al tefillah, etc? Sincerely, Avi Dear Avi- Thanks for your question. As you are probably aware, all mitzvos in […]

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