Jewish Couple

Why Do Orthodox Jewish Women Shave Their Heads?

Dear Jew in the City- Why do Orthodox Jewish women shave their heads? Thank you, Kylie Dear Kylie- Thanks for your question. To say that Orthodox Jewish women shave their heads is a huge generalization, and not a particularly accurate one. What the majority of Orthodox women do is cover their hair. The parameters of […]

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Can You Be Buried In A Jewish Cemetery With Tattoos?

Dear Jew in the City, My friend said you can’t be buried in a Jewish cemetery with tattoos – is that true? Thanks, Alexander   Dear Alexander- That Jews with tattoos cannot be buried in a Jewish cemetery is a persistent myth, right up there with “Jews don’t believe in Hell.” And, like “Jews don’t […]

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Is It Wrong to Enjoy Life During The Three Weeks?

Dear Jew in the City, When the Three Weeks approach, I used to become fearful and extra cautious. Do we believe that we’re less protected during this time? While I recognize the customs that make things more solemn, I want to carry on and enjoy life as much as possible. Is it wrong to seek […]

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Does Freeing Hostages Take Precedence Over Other Mitzvot?

Dear Jew in the City, Are there specific circumstances under which the mitzvah of freeing hostages takes precedence over other mitzvot? Sincerely, Aaron Dear Aaron, Thanks for your question. You want to know if the mitzvah of freeing hostages ever takes priority? It almost always takes priority! The story of pidyon shvuyim (the mitzvah of […]

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