
My Thanksgivukkah Wish

Thanksgivukkah. We’ve been hearing a lot about it lately. From yam latkes to cranberry filled sufganiot, this historic confluence of holidays has created a lot of playful buzz these last few weeks. Now I like a good menurkey as much as the next guy, but I believe there’s a poignant message behind this mash up of […]

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Why The Torah Commands Us To Judge Favorably

Keep your eyes on the cross, and see what happens to the images as you continue to stare at it. Peripheral vision is whacked, no? That’s the name of the GIF below which began circulating around the internet a few months ago. When I first saw it I thought it was cool, but then I […]

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The Troubling Message Behind Katy Perry’s “Firework”

Although I, admittedly, find myself bopping to the beat if one of her songs comes on the radio, the lyrics in much of what Katy Perry sings are quite…unkosher. But there is one of Katy’s songs that most people would agree has a positive, inspiring message: “Firework.” Do you ever feel like a plastic bag […]

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In Pursuit of Perfection: A Humbling Experience

When I was fourteen I decided that I was going to become perfect. Yeah, I hear how it sounds now, but at the time, it seemed like a brilliant idea. See, one of my sisters’ greatest pleasure during childhood was to constantly tell me everything I was doing wrong. (In adulthood, it’s only her second […]

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United We Stand: How We Can Unify Before Tragedy Strikes

“United We Stand.” These are words that comfort us when tragedy strikes on a mass level. The first time I remember this phrase being used was after 9/11, though some say its origins go as far back as Aesop. When we are attacked on a 9/11 in our current state of the Coronavirus pandemic, we […]

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My Self-Doubting Ended The Day I Realized This

For the last couple of years, I have been regularly speaking all over North America and WebYeshiva, averaging two talks per month, inspiring countless people (or so they say) and loving every minute of it. (Well, except for the times I get stuck next to loud gum-chewers on the plane.) Every time I speak, I […]

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