
“Dirty, Money Grabbing, Parasitic Jewish Vermin”

Dirty money grabbing, parasitic vermin. Hitler should have finished his good work. If it were legal, I would murder every God forsaken kike around me with a Louisville Slugger. But it’s not, so I’ll just keep waiting for the next chance we get. So, yeah – that’s a message I got last week from a […]

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Get Off The Couch: Motivating Yourself To Spiritually Grow

After nearly a decade of  child-rearing-induced-sleep-deprivation, I am thrilled to announce that they’re all sleeping through the night. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. Which would mean that I – the mama – am finally enjoying the well-rested-life, right? Well, not exactly. With all that extra energy brewing inside of me, I have taken to a […]

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