
How Can We Deal With Amalek In A Sensitive And Thoughtful Way?

On the Shabbos before Purim, there is a special commandment to remember to forget the evil nation of Amalek. We do this right before Purim because Haman, the villain of the Purim story, who planned to annihilate the Jewish people, was a descendent off Amalek. We fulfill our obligation of remembering to forget by hearing […]

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Chaos At The Capital: A Rabbi and Political Scientist Unpacks It

When he watches news unfold from Washington DC,  Rabbi Abraham Unger keeps one hand on the US Constitution; the other on his Talmud. “Both are focused on equality, justice and building community,” he says. No one knows that better than Rabbi Unger who holds the novel distinction of being both a political science professor and […]

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What’s The Purpose Of A Miracle According To Judaism?

What’s the purpose of a miracle? There are of course many answers, including those that are specific to the particular miracle in question. For instance, I recently learned how Abarbanel (15th-century Portuguese commentator) explains the purpose of one particular miraculous moment in the Book of Judges. In Judges Chapter 13, a malach appears to the […]

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