
Has US Antisemitism Reached 1930’s Germany Yet?

The thing about being a Jew, watching out for antisemitism, as we’ve all been conditioned to do, is that if you get too worried too early, you may be pronounced crazy. And if you get too worried too late, you may be pronounced dead. I recently saw a tweet that said that if you think […]

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Does the Talmud Actually Permit Sex With Minors?

Dear Jew in the City, I saw statements circulating around social media that quote the Jewish Talmud saying a Jew may marry a three-year old girl, a Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old, and when a grown-up man has intercourse with a little […]

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The Jewish Undertones of Netflix’s Show, “Manifest”

Note: This article does include some minor spoilers about the show. It’s not super often that I come across a show and think, “Wow, this show has a lot of Judaism.” Granted, most of my watching comes in the form of Gilmore Girls for the 100th time and The Great British Bake Off. Manifest, on […]

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Why I Went Back To Spain To Trace My Jewish Roots

When I was a child, I learned about my family’s roots. We were from Spain, and during the Spanish Inquisition, we were expelled from the country, along with the rest of the Jews who wouldn’t convert to Christianity. My family eventually ended up in Turkey, and some of my cousins still live there today. Today, […]

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Why Do Jews Pray For The Dead?

Dear Jew in the City, The Calling has the Orthodox detective saying a prayer (Kaddish) over every dead body he finds. Why do Jews pray for the dead? Sincerely, Jon Dear Jon, Thanks for your question. I haven’t seen The Calling so I can’t comment directly on the show, but there seems to be sufficient […]

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