
Is There a Connection between Jews and Hindus?

Dear Jew in the City, Recently, you referenced a relationship between Jews and Hindus. Can you please expand on that? Sincerely, Rebecca Dear Rebecca, Thanks for your question. That was in the article on Jewish-Muslim relations. What I wrote there was, “Avraham had other children, with his second wife, Keturah (who may or may not […]

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Can Orthodox Jews Eat Ice Cream?

Out of all the controversies surrounding Orthodox Jews, I never thought ice cream would be one of them. Yet today, “Can Orthodox Jews eat ice cream?” was a breakout Google search — thanks to FX’s new thriller, The Patient. The show features a Jewish therapist grappling with a particularly unique and dangerous client, as well as […]

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Why Do Orthodox Jews Do Circle Dancing?

Dear Jew in the City, Why do Orthodox Jews do circle dancing? Sincerely, Kayla   Dear  Kayla, Thanks for your very interesting question. It might surprise you to learn that circle dancing is not exclusively Jewish, let alone Orthodox. Circle dances can be found the world over, from Armenia to Sweden, from Greece to Germany, […]

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What Language Do Orthodox Jews Speak?

Dear Jew in the City- What language do Orthodox Jews speak? Sincerely, Madison Dear Madison- Thanks for your question but it’s a little like asking what language Catholics speak. (I doubt very much you’d expect all Catholics to speak Latin!)  Hebrew is the traditional language of the Jewish people – that’s the language in which […]

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Can We Dress Less Modestly Because Our Society Does?

Hey Jew in the City- I’ve heard people say that modesty is just for a specific time and place, i.e., based on the times you’re living in. If that’s true, why do we still have to follow it? Best, Madison Dear Madison- Thanks for your question. I would say that “time and place” thing works […]

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