
Meet Joan Weiner: An Orthodox Jewish Female Comedian

“Laughter is one of those things that’s universal,” says Joan Weiner, an Orthodox female comedian. When it comes to jokes about cholent pots, Shabbos prep, and head coverings, religious Jews have a personal connection to the humor. Nevertheless, Weiner has the ability to reach people from every community. Born in Long Island to a traditional […]

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The Jewish Women Entrepreneur Empowers Orthodox Jewish Female Entrepreneurs

This Organization Empowers Orthodox Jewish Female Entrepreneurs

Though many people believe that Orthodox Jewish women aren’t allowed to work, the JWE (The Jewish Women Entrepreneur) works hard to change the lives of hundreds of frum businesswomen, to the tune of millions of dollars in sales. In 2011, Chaya Fishman, founded the organization to help women combat the prejudices against them and succeed. Fishman says, […]

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