
NY Times Features Ezras Nashim Ambulance Service

Judge Ruchie Freier has made incredible efforts to help Orthodox Jewish women in Brooklyn to train and work as EMTs, and her volunteer ambulance service Ezras Nashim has created a new perception of women’s professional role in the community. For decades, volunteer ambulance group Hatzalah has led the efforts to help the community, but never […]

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How Instagram is Giving Orthodox Jewish Women a Place to Sing

While the centuries-old prohibition of women singing in front of men may have historically kept some women from launching careers in music, the outlet of Instagram is providing a surprising new venue for talent. While a decade ago the idea of such a platform setting the stage for success would have been unheard of, today’s […]

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Tehillim for Fallen Soldiers Brings Haredi and Secular Jews Together

An initiative for Yom Hazikaron has brought secular and religious Jews together in Israel, as Haredi Jews signed up to read Tehillim for fallen Israeli soldiers. With increased tension between the populations due to COVID-19, this timely partnership has helped many Israelis make sense of this difficult time. The “For Every Victim There Is A […]

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