
Orthodox Jewish Man Killed In Possible Hate Crime in Baltimore

An Chabad Hasidic Israeli man who was visiting Baltimore to attend the wedding of a cousin was shot and killed on Sunday night. Efraim Gordon, z’l, worked in IT and was 31 years old. According to the Baltimore Police Department, the motive appeared to be an attempted robbery, but he family of the victim told COLlive […]

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Tens of Thousands of Anti-Semitic Tweets Follow Meron Tragedy

After news site Al Jazeera reported on the tragedy in Meron, 30,000 people commented on Twitter within the first six hours of the news being tweeted. Unfortunately, more than a third of the comments were either making fun of what happened or praising the fact that Jews had died. Investigative journalist David Collier was sad […]

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More Haredi Jews Expected to Move into High-Tech With Remote Work Boom

According to a recent survey of 100 high-tech employers, the shifts in social structure that were forged by the COVID pandemic show a likely increase in Haredi Jews becoming employed in that sector. Kamatech, the Askaria Institute and IATI- Israel Advanced Technology Industries have collaborated on the study, which showed that 55% think that remote […]

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