
This Chicago Rabbi Is Bringing Civil Speech to the Thanksgiving Table

Rabbi Zev Kahn of Jewish Education Team in Chicago is making your Thanksgiving table less divisive, thanks to his program Clean Speech Illinois. This program is designed to teach mindful speech, fostering ways of interacting with loved ones and strangers alike which are less harmful and more productive. It starts with learning to be a […]

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Our Place Provides A Safe Space For Orthodox Jewish Teens On The Street

Eli Verschleiser, chairman and co-founder of the Our Place centers which combat abuse, trauma and addiction in Orthodox Jewish communities, considers himself an honorary Our Place member and thinks he always will be. Originally from Lakewood, New Jersey, his family was one of the first few hundred families who settled there. He had some trouble […]

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Pre-Race NYC Marathon Minyan Gives Spiritual Strength to Runners

Before this year’s NYC Marathon began on Staten Island, a large number of Orthodox Jewish runners joined the “Marathon Minyan.” There, participants were able to daven, stretch, enjoy a kosher bite of food and get strength and blessings from each other before the race. This is the 50th anniversary of the 26.2 mile race, and […]

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New Program Shepherds Orthodox Jewish Women into Tech Careers

A new coding program geared towards Orthodox Jewish women in the New York area is already attracting the community to jobs in software development and technology. A partnership with Code Kevudah and Met Council teaches skills to become tech experts and help to support their families. The technology training is given over in a culturally-sensitive […]

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