
A History of How Jews Erase Themselves To Meet Gentile Expectations

In recent years, there’s been a growing trend towards minority appreciation and pride. Ethnic names and hairstyles are being used and worn more frequently. Religious symbols like saris, hijabs and Sikh turbans are being featured more prominently in popular media. Yet Jewishness has not had the same popularization: Jews are still mocked in the media, […]

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Israeli Government to Hire Orthodox Women to Advise on Jewish Law

Matan Kahana, the deputy Minister of Religious Services to the Israeli Knesset, announced on June 2 that he would hire women in Jewish leadership positions for communities across Israel. In what capacity? Advisers of Jewish law relating to mikvah, or yoatzot halacha. Recently, there has been a growing demand among Orthodox Jewish women — particularly […]

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A Gift Of Life And A Wink From God

          We live in a world with a lot of confusion. On a regular basis, we see innocent people suffer and evil people prosper. Even when life isn’t explicitly unfair, we often don’t see the behind the scenes workings of the universe. We see only a small snippet of reality from […]

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