
Who Is Jew in the City? The Back Story To JITC’s Beginning

Learn about the tragic story that started Jew in the City creator Allison Josephs on her spiritual journey and why she started Jew in the City.

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  • Avatar photo Irene Rabinowitz says on August 18, 2013

    I just Tweeted this video. Heartbreakingly beautiful story of faith.

  • Avatar photo Ellen Lebowicz says on September 23, 2013

    I became religious 48 years ago, when I was 16 years old but it is only now that I am truly searching for the truth and meaning of being Orthodox. My original “conversion”, I believe, had to do with seeing the beauty, from the outside looking in, and the safety in being part of a close-knit, welcoming, and stable (from the outside looking in) community. But it is only now, as life has unfolded in an entirely different way than I’d anticipated, that I’m searching. At first I felt that the Orthodox had let me down. But I now realize that it’s me who hasn’t explored what’s always been out there for the taking.

  • Avatar photo Rachel Sowden says on October 29, 2013

    Hi, really touching story thank you for being so open and honest! I just wanted to clarify if orthodox jews have different rules! Funny enough yesterday I watched a few minutes of a show called " Oprahs Next Chapter" she was talking to 2 relegious families in brooklyn New York! They have 9 children and are not allowed to watch tv, use cell phones, use computers, No internet, etc etc..( takes away the focus of whats really important..) So are there many different groups of ortodox jews? Please help me to understand..just a confused jewish women!

  • Avatar photo jason ling says on March 22, 2014

    Thanks, you’re helping me to understand and I like your channel.

  • Avatar photo Concerned observant Mom says on October 13, 2014

    Touching story!
    Glad that you were inspired to do something positive after such a traumatic event.


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