
The Orthodox Jewish Teens Who Sit Bedside With Sick Children

Alex Grossman grew up in a modern Orthodox home on Long Island, attending Jewish day schools her whole life. Both at home and at school, a constant focus was placed on gimilut chasadim – performing acts of loving kindness. It was because of this upbringing that Alex was motivated to get a job after her senior year […]

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Hasidic Song “Bas Kol” Goes Viral & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

A Brooklyn Bakery Appeals to Observant Jews and Pizza Fans – The New York Times writes about Isaac’s Bake Shop, a kosher, Orthodox owned bakery which has a surprisingly large non-kosher fan base. How ‘Bas Kol’ Became a Viral Hasidic Hit – A Yiddish song, sung at a Chasidic wedding becomes an internet sensation! 10 Stylish, Orthodox […]

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The 12 Year Old Orthodox Girl Who Does Gymnastics In A Skirt

This past week was a sort of watershed moment for me as an Orthodox Jewish mom. My 12-year-old daughter, who had never shown any particular interest in gymnastics, suddenly HAD to join a local gym, with her bestest girlfriends, like…ASAP. I casually asked if the class was all female, because she is over the age of bat […]

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The Orthodox Women Who Clothed Hundreds Of Kids With No Funding

Dalia Stelzer, a young modern Orthodox mother living in Teaneck, New Jersey discovered something troubling shortly after her first child was born. Year after year as her child grew, clothing that was once loved would go unworn. She knew there had to be many more people with the same problem: changing seasons and growing kids […]

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