
Orthodox Jewish Rapper, Black, Moves into Israeli Music Scene & Other Orthodox Jews in the News


Black Rapper Who Found Spiritual Home In Orthodoxy On The Move To Israel – “As his wildly popular collaboration with Gad Elbaz (HaShem Melech 2.0.”) conquers YouTube, Seattle-raised Nissim Baruch Black is taking on a new challenge — the Israeli music scene”

For Jewish Women In The UK, New Cracks In Orthodoxy’s Glass Ceiling – Britain’s Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, has launched a groundbreaking qualification for Jewish women, the “Ma’ayan” course – the new 18-month program hopes to create a pool of qualified female educators

At Funeral For Victim of Crane Collapse, Recounting a Life, And a Love Story – The eulogies of David Wichs, as reported by The New York Times, who was killed in Lower Manhattan on Friday when a crane collapsed onto Worth Street

Recovery Mission Turns Into Rescue; Boaters Save Woman Who Survives Jump From GWB – A group of Jewish volunteers rescued a suicide jumper from the waters of the Hudson while they were out there looking for the body of a jumper from the community of New Square to give him a proper burial

The Jewish Community’s First Responder – Read about Zahava Farbman, the associate director of crisis intervention, trauma and bereavement services of Chai Lifeline’s Project Chai and a “veteran traumatologist,” who has become the Jewish community’s mental health first responder

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