
It’s Time to Rethink How We Jews Portray Ourselves on Television

It’s time to talk about how Jews portray themselves on television. With the release of “My Unorthodox Life,” once again Jewish bloggers and writers are up in arms – and rightfully so – about how Jews, specifically Orthodox Jews, are made into over-stereotyped caricatures of what society expects them to be. We can blame anti-Semitism […]

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Jew in the City Reacts to My Unorthodox Life

“My Unorthodox Life” is a story about someone unhappy in her relationships framed as a story about an extreme form of Judaism that Julia Haart never actually lived. To see how to answer the Jewish issues raised in the series, see this article here. To get an understanding of the motivation for many people leaving […]

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Makom Members Highlight The Dysfunction in My Unorthodox Life

Many Makom members immediately spotted the dysfunctional behaviors of Julia Haart from My Unorthodox Life based on the dysfunctional patterns in their own childhoods, which contributed to them being pushed out of their homes. Here are the thoughts of a couple of our members: I’m all for people expressing their feelings and talking about their […]

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If Jews Control Hollywood, Why Are There So Many Cringeworthy Jewish Characters?

Last week Variety editor Malina Saval penned an important piece:  Too Jewish For Hollywood: As Antisemitism Soars, Hollywood Should Address Its Enduring Hypocrisy In Hyperbolic Caricatures of Jews. In it Saval discusses Hollywoood’s Jewish history and its troubling portrayal of Jews. While some will say, “Jews control Hollywood,” the truth is that Jews created Hollywood […]

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