
This Orthodox Jewish Girl Will Be On American Ninja Warrior Junior!

While some people might think that Orthodox Jewish girls are all proper and demure, 13 year Yakira “Kira” Hoffer, would better be described as exuberant and daring. This past fall Rachel Goldzal created quite a buzz by winning Chopped Junior. This Saturday night, Kira Hoffer will be the latest religious Jewish teen to appear on a reality […]

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People Magazine’s Parent Profiles & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Lakewood Hires Its First-Ever Orthodox Jewish Police Cadet With an Orthodox Jewish community making up most of Lakewood’s rapidly growing population, the township has hired its first-ever Orthodox police cadet, officials said. “I’m excited about it,” Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles said Thursday. “I think it’s significant for any community to see one of your own […]

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Shtisel Wins Worldwide Audience Acclaim & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Netflix’s ‘Shtisel’ Is Binge-Worthy TV on a Strict Form of Judaism What makes the Israeli series “Shtisel,” such groundbreaking television is that the characters are the black-hatted, side-curled men and bewigged women of ultra-Orthodox Judaism, a group that is known in Hebrew by the umbrella term Haredim and includes Hasidim. It is an insular subculture […]

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