The First Division I Orthodox Jewish Athlete, Tamir Goodman
Meet Orthodox Jewish All Star, and the first Orthodox Jewish Division I athlete, Tamir Goodman, basketball sensation. Every team wanted him, but he wanted only one thing.
Meet Orthodox Jewish All Star, and the first Orthodox Jewish Division I athlete, Tamir Goodman, basketball sensation. Every team wanted him, but he wanted only one thing.
“Even on the most important story of the year, I wasn’t going to work that day. And everyone knew that.”
“When I was starting my career, people would say to me – ‘Oh, you can’t be a TV writer and be Orthodox.” Meet Emmy Award-winning writer and producer, Ilana Wernick, producer and co-producer of The King of Queens, Modern Family, and The Middle, who proved everyone wrong in the best way.
Want to know the secret to having fabulous flowers for Shavuos or anytime? Watch and learn! Seth Feldman – producer Elliot Gabor – director of photography Danny Moallem – production assistant A special thank you to Chanie Waxler of Buds Designs
A super-easy, fast, and decadent recipe for the Shavuos. What’s your favorite way to eat cheesecake? Recipe by: Seth Feldman – producer Elliot Gabor – director of photography Danny Moallem – production assistant
Meet Orthodox Jewish All Star – Dr. Jeremy England – award-winning MIT physicist who many call “the next Darwin”!! “I don’t think there is any problem being a scientist while also having a commitment to Hakadosh Baruch Hu and Torah…those who see a strong tension there either need to have a subtler understanding of the […]