
Can Orthodox Jewish Women Work?

“I’d like to be more religious, but having a career is very important to me. If I became Orthodox, I wouldn’t be allowed to work,” Rachel explained to me over the phone. “Really?” I responded. “Which commandment in the Torah states, ‘thou shall not work if you’re a woman?’” Rachel, of course, had no source to […]

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Where’s The Line Between Tznius (Modest) and Sexy?

Dear Jew in the City, I recently watched a video about “tznius sexy” and was wondering your thoughts. I was wondering what the connection is between looking good (beautiful) and dressing modestly? Can you dress beautifully, modernly, and womanly (not hiding the fact you are a women) and be modest at the same time? Where […]

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A Letter From Kuwait

Jew in the City’s mission to break down stereotypes about Orthodox Jews was started as a social media campaign for two main reasons: Number one, new media – especially YouTube – is very effective at conveying one’s personality to viewers and most people, after having a positive interaction with an Orthodox Jew begin to view […]

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Finding Faith In a World Overshadowed With Doubt

Faith in God, like loving one’s spouse – is not a static thing. It ebbs. It flows. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. And it requires work and commitment to make it last. God’s presence in the world is hidden – it’s meant to be hidden, in part, so that we have free will. As […]

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I Want to Start Keeping Kosher: Where Do I Begin?

Dear Jew in the City, Neither my husband or I were raised in households that keep kosher, but we would like to start.  Do you have any suggestions for a military family who would like to begin keeping Kosher? The military lifestyle has us often living in cities far from observant Jewish communities and causes us moving frequently – […]

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