
Randi Zuckerberg “Likes” Unplugging On Shabbat

Ya know when you put it out there that you want to get in touch with someone famous and then they come to you? I didn’t used to either. But then, several years ago, I met Mayim Bialik like that. A few weeks ago it happened again – this time with the former head of […]

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How Do I Not Judge Religious Jewish Women Who Aren’t Modest?

Dear Jew in the City, I really enjoyed watching your videos and found them to be quite informative. It’s very beautiful to see someone who makes a proactive move to make a Kidush Hashem and to clarify a lot of misconceptions that people have with Orthodox Jews. Since you are so open-minded and honest about the […]

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Orthodox Jewish All Stars Party Recap!!

After months of hard work and planning, we finally had our amazing Orthodox Jewish All Stars Awards party last Sunday, on November 24 at the newly renovated Lincoln Square Synagogue in Manhattan thanks to the talents of Sarah Lasry and Chanie Waxler, the JITC team, and our wonderful sponsors (like Ruth Fischl and Freeda Wigs). Several Orthodox Jewish All Stars from this […]

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My Thanksgivukkah Wish

Thanksgivukkah. We’ve been hearing a lot about it lately. From yam latkes to cranberry filled sufganiot, this historic confluence of holidays has created a lot of playful buzz these last few weeks. Now I like a good menurkey as much as the next guy, but I believe there’s a poignant message behind this mash up of […]

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Orthodox Jewish Divorce Is Complicated And So Is Being a Woman

Orthodox Jewish divorce (get) has made many headlines recently, which has caused me – as an Orthodox Jewish woman – to do a lot of thinking about the issue itself and about being a woman in general. A few weeks ago, a group of rabbis were arrested and charged with kidnapping and torturing recalcitrant husbands who […]

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