
An Act of Kindness & Destiny Brought These Strangers Together

On February 2, 2014, tens of thousands of football fans gathered in Met Life stadium to watch the Super Bowl. They didn’t know it at the time, but two strangers in the stadium that evening (from very different walks of life) would be brought together months later due to an act of kindness and nothing […]

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New Information Revealed About Ultra-Orthodox Plane Scandal

Last Saturday night, after three days of being off-line due to Rosh Hashana and Shabbos, I powered up my iPhone, and the emails started flooding in. Apparently during the holiday a story broke about a pre-Rosh Hashana El Al flight to Israel (LY4) which took off from JFK and was full of Hasidic men who refused to […]

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Why Are Orthodox Jews So Rude?

Dear Jew in the City, I was curious about some of the run-ins I’ve had with the women in local Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox communities. Sadly, they’ve been pretty negative.  I’m gonna guess that majority of my interactions are with the ultra-Orthodox since I can easily identify them by their conservative outfits.  Any attempt I’ve made […]

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Israeli Bomb Shelter Date Leads to Marriage Proposal!

Some dates bomb. Others end up in bomb shelters. It has been a rough summer for the Jewish people. Fifty days of war in Israel. Dozens of deaths and injuries. Thousands of rockets. Millions of people running to bomb shelters for cover for weeks on end. But FINALLY there’s some good news to come out […]

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