
Jew in the City is Going to Sundance! Here’s the Scoop

Jew in the City has been working tirelessly to get better representation of Jews on screen. Next stop on that journey: the Sundance Film Festival — the country’s largest independent film festival.  While so much work is going on to combat antisemitism behind-the-scenes within the TV industry, this is the first time JITC’s new Hollywood Bureau […]

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The Jewish Undertones of Netflix’s Show, “Manifest”

Note: This article does include some minor spoilers about the show. It’s not super often that I come across a show and think, “Wow, this show has a lot of Judaism.” Granted, most of my watching comes in the form of Gilmore Girls for the 100th time and The Great British Bake Off. Manifest, on […]

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Rolling Stone’s Antisemitic Take On Miami Boys Choir

When it comes to going viral, anything is fair game. One day it’s about a kid eating corn, the next it’s an Orthodox Jewish music group. The Miami Boys Choir shocked the Internet when young boys in yarmulkes performing their song, “Yerushalayim Harim Saviv La,” became head-bopping content for both Jews and non-Jews alike on […]

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Finding True Love on Tu B’Av: One Couple’s Story

There is hardly anything more universal than the desire to love and be loved. It doesn’t matter what country you live in, what religion you are or what family you come from — love unites us all. One thing we’ll never tire of reading is a great love story. Everyone wants to know how the […]

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