
4 ‘Glamping’ (Glamorous Camping) Tips To Make Your Sukkah Shine

Glamorous Camping, also known as Glamping, has taken the travel and leisure world by storm, as those who would previously never have considered camping, or would never have considered camping to be this luxurious, are giving it a try. Combining the amenities of four and five star hotels with the great outdoors, this trend is catching on with celebrities such as Prince William and Kate Middleton, Gwyneth Paltrow, Matthew McConaughey and more. It translates perfectly to Sukkos, as that the holiday of huts is both a time of outdoor living as well as elegance in honor of Yom Tov. Here are some quick tips to make your sukkah into a posh paradise you can’t wait to spend a week in.

1- Shelter Comes First

Is your sukkah made of canvas, wood or interlocking fiberglass panels? Attached to your house? On your patio, deck, or driveway? All of this is important to take into consideration in how you glam it up. First, make sure your sukkah is structurally sound, and then keep this in mind:

* Location – Do you have a view to admire? Can you build in a window or use curtains that tie back as part of the walls? This will add to an elegant feel.

Credit: travelplusstyle.com

* Schlach / Schlock – Adding this optional tarp or plastic accordion-folded that can lay on top of the the schach in case of a storm will allow you to relax and enjoy your meal, instead of heading inside at the first raindrop. Buy it here or create your own.

Credit: sukkahmart.co.uk

2 – Dining and Lounge

Some people not only eat but also want to sleep in their sukkah, but rarely have room for both a dining table and mattresses at once. A mini sukkah lounge solves this problem in style.

Credit: Ker & Downey Botswana

* Bean Bags and Pillows – get a comfy, luxe feel that is easy to nap on and just enjoy your sukkah.

Credit: Yogibo Danbury

* Chaise Lounges – Place them right outside the sukkah so that they can swap with the dining table when it’s time to sleep.

Credit: aegive.com

* Real Outdoor Furniture – Instead of using a folding table and chairs, try using real patio furniture to give a feeling of permanence and style.

Credit: BuildMySukkah.com

3 – Decor

Whether its made of canvas or not, the inside of your sukkah is your artistic domain to express your creativity. This year, try to incorporate lavish details to make your experience feel like a vacation.

* Go Global – Create a decor theme such as Morrocan / Bedouin / African Safari / Bohemian and coordinate wall hangings, lighting and even your paper goods to match.

Credit: eluxemagazine.com

* Trays – Whether a handheld tray or a bar cart, having a way to serve and collect food and plates easily will automatically make your Sukkos more refined.

Credit: Design Manifest

* Frame Your Art – Instead of haphazardly pinning children’s art and old posters to the walls, create framed collages of your favorites and hang those. Poster frames with lucite or plastic covers will protect from most water damage, be light enough not to tear a hole and will fit art in a polished way.

Credit: LivingandKitchen.com

4 – Lighting

It’s no good to make kiddush and serve your gourmet goodies in the dark. But an overhead flood light or florescent light won’t have the same flair as these ideas.

* Overhead String Lights – From copper wire to globe lights, these will add a festive flair and more light to any sukkah.

Credit: In Style Magazine

* Ambient Outdoor Light – Try vintage bulbs or an actual chandelier to take your sukkah from oy to wow!

Credit: Fashion-Isha.com

Look to these shopping ideas to make your chic Sukkos experience complete. Chag sameach!

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  • Avatar photo Cathy Citron-Bilovsky says on October 16, 2016

    Informative, well research article.


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