
Orthodox Jewish Lawyer Who Took On Big Tobacco Dies

History-making lawyer Susan Rosenblatt, who pursued the Tobacco Industry and won a record $144.8 billion jury award, has died. Both the Miami Beach-based lawyer and her law partner husband Stanley Rosenblatt pursued the unprecedented 1994 lawsuit on behalf of Florida smokers, which led to many other similar awards subsequently. While Mr. Rosenblatt was the more public face of the firm, Ms. Rosenblatt’s legal scholarship and research fueled their success. “I always would say I didn’t have a dream team, I had Susan,” said Mr. Rosenblatt. Ms. Rosenblatt was a genius and enrolled at the University of Miami when she was just 13-years-old and graduated law school when she was 21. Together, the Rosenblatts had nine children and as Orthodox Jews, never worked on Shabbos. Read more here.

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