
Jew in the City Featured in CNET on My Unorthodox Life

Since Netflix released the reality series My Unorthodox Life this past July and renewed it for season two this month, Jew in the City has been at the forefront of defending the image of Orthodox Jews in spite of their unlikeable depiction on the show. Haart’s assertion that, “The women in our community are second-class citizens. We only exist in relation to a man…. In our community, a woman basically has one purpose: to follow her husband and to be a baby making machine,” has been debunked by Josephs and others, who work hard to deconstruct stereotypes and normalize the positive associations with Orthodox Jewish life. Josephs concern that the “othering” depiction of Orthodox Jews can lead to hate crimes against them was backed up by the fact that in violent crimes against Jews have doubled in the past year. Read more here.



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