
Kosher Ecohotel Opens in English Countryside

The first kosher ecohotel in Europe has opened in Kent, southwest of London. Combining Jewish traditions with environmental awareness, the Sadeh Farmhouse advertises itself as a family-friendly retreat in the style of a kibbutz with a quaint, English countryside twist. Housed in a 17th century manor, a recent refurbishment saw it change from being a residential activity center to a getaway for kosher families in the UK and abroad. The hotel features a music room and lounge along with a farm-to-table vegetarian restaurant, and is surrounded by lush grounds featuring indoor swimming, tennis, a chicken coop and kitchen garden, alongside a zipline and children’s playground. The 32-year-old founder, Talia Chain, wanted to combine principles of Tikkun Olam with hospitality and the farmhouse’s fellowship program allows visitors to work the land during their stay. Read more here.

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