
Teen Ping Pong Star Faces Shabbos vs. Olympic Dreams & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Jewish Teen Ping Pong Ace Can’t Go to Olympic Trials on Sabbath
An Orthodox Jewish teen from Long Island made it all the way to the Olympic trials for ping pong — and now she likely can’t compete because it falls during the Sabbath. Nationally ranked Estee Ackerman, 18, is heartbroken that USA Table Tennis honchos won’t let her arrange tournament matches later this month around the religious observance hours.

The Challenge of Finding Kosher Food in Cuba
Beyond food, Jewish communities in Cuba are struggling with demographic issues. Berezniak said he would have added mohel to his list of duties, although there are presently no children in the primarily elderly community. It’s a community with 127 families and fewer than 300 members, to whom he serves free Shabbat meals.

Meet a Jew in the City. Make a Friend.
Jewish Journal picks up and covers Jew in the City’s groundbreaking Harlem Event. Watch Jews and locals connect to each other in a positive way.

Ancient Jewish Dish of Cholent is Now a Melting Pot of Israeli Cuisine
Consumed by Jews for Saturday lunch since antiquity, the rich stew is enjoying a renaissance in Israel. While ultra-Orthodox local residents sit at the few tables enjoying their steaming fare, three elderly women and a man, all secular, enter to inquire about the food.

Former NBA Analytics Guru Helps a Jewish High School Win First Championship in Over 20 Years
Four years ago, Ben Falk was analyzing professional basketball players for the Philadelphia 76ers. This week, he’s celebrating a championship he won as the coach of the Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy, their first championship in its regional league in more than two decades. How Falk transitioned from the NBA to a high school with about 400 students — is a uniquely Jewish story.

In Coronavirus Quarantine, Jewish Palo Alto Woman Shares Story of Evac From Wuhan
Esther Tiferes Tebeka, a Jewish Palo Alto resident originally from the Chinese city, flew there along with her daughter at the beginning of the year to visit family. One month later, the two were quarantined at a military base in Southern California to ensure they haven’t contracted the coronavirus that has spawned a global public health crisis.

Bexley Woman Who Practices Extreme Generosity Now in Need of Helping Hand
An elderly woman who has devoted much of her life to helping others now faces the loss of her home. Friends are trying to turn the tables and assist Dina Cherney. An observant Jew, Cherney was featured in The Dispatch nearly 20 years ago as part of a series called “Faith in Action.”

So … You Want the Real Story? The Real Jewish Jordan
Tamir Goodman was a viral sensation in a time before social media. Dubbed the “Jewish Jordan,” Tamir’s life story is a constant balancing act between his faith and his love of the game.

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