
Meal Prep Kits Go Kosher & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Why Leytonstone and Wanstead Rabbi Brackman Walks Nine Miles Each Shabbat
Every Shabbat, Rabbi Zalmy Brackman makes a nine-mile round trip on foot from his Stamford Hill home to take the morning service at Leytonstone and Wanstead Synagogue, having responded to an SOS from the small East London congregation. Desperate to save the Federation synagogue from closure, the shul was put in touch with Rabbi Brackman and for the past year, he has walked to and from the shul in all weathers.

What People Get Wrong About the History of American Judaism Before the Civil War
Years ago, Steven R. Weisman visited a friend in Israel who had grown up in a non-observant Jewish-American household like him. But, unlike Weisman, the friend had become devoutly Orthodox. Thinking about the differences in their practice of the same religion, Weisman began to contemplate the history of American Judaism, even as his career led him to focus mostly on economics, not faith. By the time he was ready to write a book decades later, he had come to realize that America had changed Judaism, just as Judaism had changed America.

The Invitation-Only Kosher Gourmet Dinner Club
At The Musket Club, the new kosher gourmet dinner club that operates on word-of-mouth, the menu only comes at the end of the meal. The chefs want the food to be a surprise, and it often is. The food is a cornucopia of different tastes and flavors, and if you follow the three musketeers behind the gourmet dinner club on Instagram, you’ll know they spend a lot of their time journeying to exotic locales on quests to source new flavors for their elaborate seven-course dinners.

Comedian and Rabbi Mike Fine Makes Sure Aging Comics Don’t Die Alone and Hopes to Provide Burials to Those in Need
A rabbi, a writer and a stand-up comic walks into the lives of dying comedians … you haven’t heard this one before. Rabbi Michael Fine makes a living as a humorist, but being a one-man audience for fellow comics as they near death has become his calling. Now he’s trying to raise money to buy space in a cemetery so that comics who die alone spend eternity in each other’s company.

Prepko: The Kosher Version of Blue Apron
The at-home meal kit industry is experiencing a booming market. Companies including HelloFresh, Blue Apron, Sun Basket, Plated and Green Chef are just a few of the organizations that send customers ingredients and recipes to make high-quality meals at home. Now, Simon Meron, a Moroccan Jew based in Los Angeles, is delivering kosher at-home meal kits to Western U.S. customers, based on the same model.

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