
Unapologetically Unfeminist Woman Becomes First Female Hasidic Judge & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

A Brooklyn Trailblazer Becomes America’s First Female Hasidic Judge

Ruchie Frier made her way through law school and an impressive legal career while raising a traditional family. Now she will decide cases for New York City as she cherishes the support of her family and community.

Meet Seven Orthodox Comics Who Are Making Comedy Kosher Again

While these comics are just a smattering of the frum comedians making us laugh, they are undeniably a hilarious bunch. With clips that are sure to make you smile, this article is a view into the small world of kosher comedy.

When Dating Cues Don’t Come Naturally: Helping Special Needs Daters Learn the Ropes

In the realm of shidduch dating, there are few resources for daters who have a medical history, or suffer from mental or emotional issues. Ohel is working with one couple among many others to match similar people who would otherwise have a more difficult time dating.

What Does Modest Fashion Mean?

The New York Times covered a symposium of modest fashion movers and shakers as they explored what modesty means to them. A few Orthodox Jews in the modest fashion world are highlighted therein.

An Eternal Friendship

Kiruv legend Rabbi Raphael Butler describes how he spent 9/11 with a secular Jew. Both of their lives were forever changed by the experience in this bittersweet tribute.

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