
Baruch College Accommodates Shabbat Observing Students & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Are Orthodox Women Behind One of Fall 2016’s Biggest Fashion Trends? – A new trend that emerged at this fall’s NY fashion week was unconventional layering: layering sleeveless dresses and tops over long sleeved shirts and sweaters. Is it truly unconventional…or a rather conventional tznius layering technique?

Stabbing Victim Pulls Knife Out Of Own Neck, Kills Terrorist – Yonatan Azarihab, “an Israeli man who was stabbed multiple times Tuesday afternoon in a terror attack in Petah Tikva managed to remove the knife from his neck and use it to stab and neutralize his attacker.”

D.C. Republicans Extend Primary Hours So Sabbath-Observant Jews Can Vote – Special voting hours and considerations were made for Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld and the observant Jews of his congregation Ohev Sholom, after the Rabbi demanded that Sabbath-observant Jews be able to vote

Rabbis With Blowtorches: The Business Of Kosher Restaurants – Learn about Rabbi Avrohom Keller, the mashgiach – or kosher food monitor – of the high-end Manhattan steakhouse Le Marais

Jonathan Sacks, Former British Chief Rabbi, Wins $1.5M Prize – Rabbi Jonathan Sacks won one of the world’s largest prizes, the Templeton Prize, which recognizes individuals for contributions to life’s spiritual dimensions for his service as chief rabbi from 1991 to 2013.

Baruch College Changes Commencement Time To Accommodate Jewish Students Observing Sabbath – Baruch “adjusted the start time of its May 2016 commencement following complaints that the graduation schedule disregarded Jewish students and families who observe Sabbath”

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