
“Fear No Evil,” Episode 2

In honor of our 15 year anniversary, we are featuring our most popular content on the home page every week for the next 15 weeks. In these difficult times, let’s strengthen ourselves with content from the past.

Watch this video to learn what to tell a worrying mother. (Or yourself).

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  • Avatar photo warren says on December 4, 2007

    I ran into some anti-semetic writing in comments on You-Tube. Someone was making quotes from the Tractate Sanhedrin (which is a bit of the Talmud, right?) claiming all sorts of outrageous things. It made me think that whenever someone defames anyone, Jews perhaps being targets of this behaviour far too often, I should, as a gentile who is respectful of and admires the Jewish faith and Jewish people, be able to answer them.
    Love your blog. Found it via ModestlyYours, which is also wonderful. May the Lord bless you and your family richly, for your faithfulness to Him!

  • Avatar photo Ken says on December 10, 2007

    Allison, the fact your “Fear no Evil” video triggers YouTube links to anti-Jewish hate videos only underscores the message.
    When even a “Fear No Evil” video causes links to videos promoting the very evil your video addresses, your video has made its point.

  • Avatar photo Bracha says on December 28, 2008

    I did get to this video by foloowing a link and then came across all of those videos and did not understand that they were part of utube and not your website for a while. It was very confusuing and the Oprah one was particularly disturbing. Too bad it has to work this way with utube.

  • Avatar photo shorty says on April 28, 2009

    That was amazingly beautiful!

  • Avatar photo rikki says on January 30, 2013

    I love how you discribe it all and how the biggiest fear is of being cut off, having gone thrue a really hard time lately that was my biggest fear I didnt realize that I was normal know I keep myself concted to peaple who keep me strong and closer to God


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