
I want to convert to Judaism, but my husband is not Jewish…

Dear Allison-

I’d like to introduce myself first: my name is Elsie. I am from Germany and 26 years old. I am studying for a PhD in English Literature at the moment and came across your site while browsing. Since many years I have been searching for MY religion – a girl from the southern German countryside, raised a Roman Catholic… And so very often I feel that spiritual connection with judaism. When I hear a “Shalom Aleichem” I get goose pimples, it touches my soul deeply.

There were times when I celebrated Kabbalat Shabbat, read a lot about judaism and went into it. But still I lacked the Jewish background – and the Jewish infrastructure. In the end I left it. But it came up again, so I contacted both the Rabbis here in Munich to be allowed to go to synagogue and talk to them. The Orthodox rabbi unfortunately told me that there was no way for me to judaism as I was together with a Roman Catholic who wanted to stay so. I am now happily married to that man whom I love deeply.

The liberal rabbi also rejected me, also because of my Christian boyfriend.  Then I thought I should forget judaism, as there is no space for me… and it has begun creeping back into my life. My thoughts wander around “what if I were jewish?” I get a peace of mind if I think about it, I browse the net for jewish reources… and I don’t know how to talk to anybody or whom to ask for guidance or for an evaluation of my situation. I have absolutely no connection to jewish life, and unfortunately the jewish community here is very closed and rather for itself.

What can I do? How can I find out whether judaism is for me? Is there any way of you helping me? What is this all about?

I hope to hear from you soon! Thanks for everything and best regards,



Dear Elsie,

Thanks for your email. I must say, I don’t envy the position you’re in. It is very complicated, to say the least. It’s true, if you were to stay married to a non-Jewish man who was unwilling to explore Judaism with you, you’d have no way to convert. So I see three options for you at this point:

1) Have you ever heard of the Seven Laws of Noah? Judaism believes that gentiles can have a place in the world to come and a connection with G-d too. We have no belief that the only way to “salvation” is to be Jewish. The Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach (as they’re called in Hebrew) are just basic laws that expand probably closer to around 40 laws about generally being a good person and having a relationship with G-d. There are communities of Bnei Noach (children of Noah) all around the world, they follow these commandments, learn Torah, go to synagogues, but remain gentiles. Perhaps this would be a happy medium – stay with your husband, but connect to other non-Jews who follow Torah law. For some resources on this subject, please see: http://www.noahide.org/ and http://www.beingjewish.com/conversion/becomingjewish.html   The second site recommends some books as well.


2) Does your husband know anything about Judaism? Would he be willing to expand his horizons and find out if he saw as much beauty in it as you do? Asking him to convert is a big thing to ask, but asking him to learn shouldn’t be too much trouble. Perhaps if he learned more he’d feel the same way you do and you could do this together. A book that I’ve seen recommended for non-Jews considering conversion (that would be useful for him and you) is called “Becoming a Jew” by Maurice Lamm http://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Jew-Maurice-Lamm/dp/0824603508

3) The third option, if you felt you had to become Jewish, but your husband was unwilling to explore it himself, would be to leave him. I wouldn’t recommend this though as you have a great marriage and have no obligation to become a Jew. However, if you were to learn about the Noahide concept and still felt unfulfilled by this and if your husband was completely unwilling to even explore the possibility of learning more, leaving him might be your only option.

I’m sorry that the local Jewish community in Germay is not too welcoming. I can’t speak for them personally, but we don’t encourage conversion. While living a Jewish life is extremely rewarding, it also is an undertaking, so the policy is to stay aloof and let the would be convert keep coming back – a sign that he or she is really sincere about the conversion.

 In terms of trying out Judaism for yourself – would going to Israel be an option for you? There are several programs in Israel that take a small number of students wishing to convert each year. You can get a list of beginner seminaries here (StudyinIsrael.org). The only thing, though, is that if your husband is not willing to open himself up to the idea of learning, getting to see Judaism so up close might unfortunately mean an end to your marriage – or maybe it would show you that it’s not the right thing for you after all, and you could happily live following the Noahide Laws staying married to him. But I think you will have to explore at least one of these options, because no matter how much you love your husband, if you keep feeling the need to explore Judaism and keep ignoring it for the sake of your marriage, you could end up resenting your husband down the road. Like I said, I don’t envy your situation.

No matter what you end up doing, I wish you every blessing and much success and happiness in the future.

All the best,



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  • Avatar photo Dee says on January 28, 2011

    I am in a similar predicament, so I would like to ask specifically: If my husband is willing to learn about Judaism, is that enough? I know he will never convert to any religion, but he would be willing to learn, as he supports my pursuing what I need to spiritually. Please elaborate for me as this is something I have longed for for over thirty years. Thanks, Dee

    • Avatar photo Allison says on February 1, 2011

      Thanks for your question, Dee. I’m sorry to say that learning alone is not enough for your husband. When I wrote that, what I was getting to is that perhaps if the spouse learns, s/he might be inspired to convert as well. When a person lives as an observant Jew, Jewish law is involved in every detail of life – from the foods we eat, to our marital relations – there’s even an order of putting on your shoes! It’s because we’re supposed to ideally be connecting with God at every moment that Jewish law pervades every aspect of life.

  • Avatar photo Timtza says on June 17, 2011

    I am what is know as a “baales teshuva” – a woman born Jewish but not observant until recently. My husband is a non-Jew and not anything else either. In the 15-or-so years I’ve become more observant, and our daughter has become frum (as observant as you can be), I’ve arrived at the conclusion that no matter how nice a guy your husband is, and how upstanding and respectful and supportive, and even a Noahide, it is very, very lonely to be the only observant Jew in your household. As Allison says, Torah Judaism is a home-based faith that guides daily behaviors of all kinds. Making Shabbos or observing festivals for one – even if your husband is there as company- rings hollow. And if you are involved in community and have guests – as is the custom – your husband shrinks into a shadow like the only person at the party who does not understand the language being spoken. I advise young women making the transition to Judaism that – difficult as it may be – you have to choose a partner who can be a full partner if you want the Jewish home that truly
    rewarding Judaism requires.

    • Avatar photo Rebecca says on January 15, 2021

      I am in a similar predicament as Elsie – except I am already married and have a child.

      Your comment/perspective has been the most helpful in terms of possibly letting go of the idea of conversion.

  • Avatar photo mi says on October 26, 2011

    what if your husband is Jewish but not willing at all to connect to his heritage? what if he denies his Jewish identity?

    • Avatar photo Allison says on October 26, 2011

      Thanks for your question, mi. Unfortunately, if your husband is not willing to have a Jewish home with you, it makes converting complicated. I know a few women who want to convert to Judaism, but their secular husbands have no interest in living a life of observance and creating a Jewish home, and unfortunately they’re stuck. My advice would be to try and encourage him to learn – with no expectations. Learn just to be knowledgeable and informed. If the learning brings him to belief/desire to observe, that would obviously be very good for you, but the key is to just get him to learn and let him see where it takes him. (Also pray. Pray a LOT that he stops being so stubborn and gives learning the try!) If you need some advice on how to get started with learning, please email me!

  • Avatar photo mi says on October 27, 2011

    I am Jewish myself…:) the thing is, I have second thoughts of what is better when compared, a non jewish husband that has some knowledge or is open to have some knowledge, or a born jew that turns his back on everything?

  • Avatar photo mi says on October 27, 2011

    Thank you a lot for the reply, but I am starting to lose hope. if there are any ideas you could give me, or any tips (sounds funny, spirituality and Judaism should not be like a cake, in need of tips) please share:)

    • Avatar photo Allison says on October 27, 2011

      With pleasure!

  • Avatar photo John says on August 15, 2012

    I’ve got some questions. I was born and raised in Canada, and from a young age I started attending Sunday school, and then I started attending church services. I was baptized in 1976 at the age of 16, and I wanted to do that because the church I attended thought baptism meant full immersion in water as opposed to a few sprinkles of water. I have very strong faith in God, but as of about 20 years ago I decided that Jesus was not the Messiah, so I stopped attending church and have never been back. I was married for two years and then divorced, and the reason why the childless marriage ended so quickly was because I met her one year in March, and then married her in September. I never proposed to her at all, she just told me that she wanted me to be her husband, and I said okay. Then I got to know her after we were married. That was scary. I’ll boil down all my questions to one long one, and here it is. I’d like to get together with people who believe in God, but don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah, in a formal setting as opposed to an informal one. Am I welcome to attend services at a synagogue, and would I be able to become a Jew ? If it’s any kind of a problem, then I’ll leave it alone, but I’m writing today because I have strong faith in God, and would like to know if Judaism would accept me.

    • Avatar photo Allison says on August 16, 2012

      Thanks for your comment, John. Judaism accepts any sincere convert. And not only that – once a person converts, we Jews are commanded to give him extra special treatment. I’d recommend getting in touch with a rabbi from the RCA to begin discussing the conversion process http://www.judaismconversion.org

      Also, another book I’ve heard is good to read is “Becoming a Jew” by Maurice Lamm. Good luck!

  • Avatar photo Gail Ann Thompson says on August 16, 2012

    Thank you for your kind, encouraging and insightful post on conversion. I was especially interested in the opportunities for women to study in Israel. In high school, I had a few Jewish friends and was drawn to the observant life. Never the less, I married a Christian man, more than 40 years ago, and I am, now, well past the age of 60. We raised our daughter in a G-d honoring, but not Torah Observant home. Still, my desire to convert has never left me. I suppose it’s too late for me, but I hope you have opened doors for other women.

    • Avatar photo Beth Jacobs says on November 11, 2017

      It’s never too late! Ahuva Gray (a Black American convert (I’ve been told that this term is the most correct as people of color are no more African than I)) studied at Nishmat and Neve Yerushalayim, two wonderful seminaries. I don’t think age is a defining factor here… Hope you read my post five years later 🙂

  • Avatar photo Mary Ruth Andrews says on February 8, 2013

    Dear Allison,
    I am a Jew, a convert to Judaism later in life. My husband is not Jewish. I studied for a year with a Reform rabbi, had a Beit Din, entered the mikveh and came out a Jew. I keep Shabbat and kosher as best as I can, more observant every day. My husband is supportive of me and encourages me to keep kosher. We have seders at Passover, I worship in a synagogue on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. I do not attend a synagogue regularly since I live a good distance from any conservative or orthodox groups. I have been looking into a Chabad group, but after reading your postings on conversion, I am thinking that perhaps I would never be welcome or encouraged there, or anywhere there are Orthodox Jews. I was a member in good standing with a Reform congregation, but left in search of a more observant community. My heart aches as I read what you have written. I am a Jew, and my husband is a good husband who chooses not to be Jewish, but supports me in every way possible. He embraces the Noahide laws, and has never stood in my way, and allowed his household to be a Jewish home.

    • Avatar photo Allison says on February 8, 2013

      Thanks for your comment, Mary. I am so sorry about your situation and how your heart aches. My heart aches for you and so many others. You don’t know HOW many people – it’s almost always women – are in your exact situation. They want to live lives according to Jewish law – they do not feel fulfilled in their non-Orthodox Jewish community – but because they’re married to a non-Jew they’re not able to convert according to halacha. Here’s the thing – as you may have seen in our recent Q&A, for the Jews who are born Jewish, while they do not have to observe to “prove” their Jewishness, they’re also stuck being Jewish no matter what – we give them no way out.

      For the converts, we expect a complete commitment. That’s not to say a person cannot make mistakes or fall short – we’re human – we all do. But in terms of lifestyle, we expect a lifestyle of observance. And I’m sure your husband is a WONDERFUL man, but being intermarried doesn’t fit into that expectation of making your lifestyle a Jewishly observant one. So it’s not that any Orthodox group would (or should) be rude to you or that it’s anything personal – it’s that halacha has certain expectations of what a convert must do in order to be recognized as a Jew and those requirements must be met in order for the conversion to happen.

      Would your husband be open to learning more about Judaism? Perhaps if he learned more, something might speak to him? I am truly sorry that you’re in this situation, but you are SO not alone.

    • Avatar photo Heather says on September 23, 2020

      Hi Mary Beth,

      I would love to connect with you as I share a similar story to you.


  • Avatar photo Emily says on April 24, 2013

    I am in a very very similar situation as Elsie (and probably countless others). However I was wondering if you received an update or would be willing to ask Elsie what has happened after all these years?

    I would truly like to hear what evolved.

    Thank you! 🙂

    • Avatar photo Elsie says on July 3, 2013

      Hi Emily,

      I am Elsie and would like to answer your question (of course the name was changed, but that should not invalidate my answer). Well, I kept on struggling with my inner Jewish side. When living in NYC for half a year two years ago, I found a very nice and welcoming reform congregation I worshipped with on a regular basis. My husband accompanied me often and felt at home in the synagogue, liked the staff. When we returned to Germany, I missed “my” synagogue that accepted both of us without any questions. Finally, after a bit of search, a reform friend of mine suggested to found a chavurah on a private basis that is open to anyone wanting to pray Jewishly. Last December, we founded our chavurah were I pray every Friday evening. At home, I try to become more and more observant, doing one step at a time. I read a lot about Jewish practice, learn torah here and there and if someone asks what my religion is, I answer that I am still a Catholic but practice Judaism. I think that this comes closest to truth.

      @hadar: I checked my roots as far as I could. Only good Roman Catholics to be found. But it might also be that records were forged during the Nazi times. It was not very fortunate if Jews were found in your genealogy… So I don’t know.

  • Avatar photo hadar says on June 10, 2013

    i think thet if Elsie really want to become a jewish she need to check her roots, who was her grandparents and check a few generations before. Many people are attracted to Judaism and then discovering that one of they familys are jewish.

    • Avatar photo Sharlene kritzinger says on April 21, 2024

      Hi i was born into a Christian home and was a verry radical christian i left 8 year ago and wanted to become a orthodox jew my husband is a Noahide now he says…. but i always irritate him even when i was christian with my spiritual things he gets angry if I talk about having a feast or religious garhering at my place he never
      speaks to me about anything doesnt pray doesnt read the tanach he always make my decision for me …I see that the only way out is divorce my kids are all grown up please just give me an ok…?

  • Avatar photo Victoria says on August 4, 2013

    Thank you so so much for this discussion! I am from a Christian family, married to a wonderful Christian man. I too have a deep longing to convert to Orthodox Judaism, but have had the door closed (so gently and kindly) twice…. Oh how it hurt….. But we have a wonderful marriage and 4 dear children. As others have experienced, my husband is so supportive to me in my learning.
    Thank you Allison for giving women like us the opportunity to learn from each other’s experiences – we are so sincere in our faith and dearly need gentle guidance in such a painful area.
    Elsie, thank you for sharing your story – you have saved me from what would certainly have been a road of pain. I guess it’s time to thank Our Father for the wonderful family He has blessed me with, and accept that i may have to settle for something a little less than my dream 😉 Surely Reform Judaism + the family He has blessed me with is a better option than tearing my family apart…. Heaven forbid.
    So thank you both – you have saved me pain and given me hope 🙂

    • Avatar photo Allison Josephs says on August 4, 2013

      Thanks for your comment, Victoria. Is there any chance you have Jewish ancestry? I find that so often the people who feel the pull to be Jewish have a Jewish connection somewhere far back.

      • Avatar photo Victoria says on August 5, 2013

        I tried that… No ancestry in the last 100 years…. I even had dna testing done 🙁 And yet the strange thing is this – in times of great distress i have cried out to G-d and begged Him, ‘help me to find the path! And if this isn’t Your desire for me, then please, Father, take this longing out of my heart!’ And still He answers me, you ARE Jewish!’ Last Shabbat I was talking to two wonderful sweet ladies in an orthodox synagogue. By the end of the conversation we were all in tears and one said to me, ‘ i can see a Jewish neshama in you, you just have to dig it out!’ Over the years so many orthodox Jewish women have said the same to me….. I can only imagine that somewhere, far, far back in my family’s past, must be a maternal convert.
        To turn away from Jewish ways and take the easy path out would be as foreign to my soul as waking up tomorrow and deciding to give up being a woman and live the rest of my life as a man. I simply cannot be what i am not. I can trace this feeling back to my early childhood, before i even knew what Judaism was!
        So what can i do? Every rule that keeps me out of Orthodox Judaism is a rule that i see to be sensible and right. And yet to break apart the blessings my Father has given me here – husband, childen, aging parents and in-laws to care for – goes against every moral fibre in my being. I cannot tear the feathers from my wings and expect to fly! No. I stand alone before my Father and know that trusting in Him, I shall walk the path before me, whether it makes sence or not. What if i turned my back and spent my life walking in the shadow of my husband’s faith, only to find as i meet my Creator that i am indeed the descendant of a convert? What a wasted life! No, i can only live a life that pours out of my soul. I cannot pretend to be what i am not. So when people ask me if i am Jewish, I tell them with a big smile, ‘i don’t know, but one day i will be!’ I shall hold my head high and try every day to live a life worthy of the neshama my Father has placed within me. As i sang in church as a child, ‘I will hold Your people in my heart’. I shall love the Jewish people and seek every opportunity to be a blessing to them. I shall continue to learn Hebrew and teach it to my children, and even if it never makes sence in this lifetime, I know that my Father is bigger than this.
        I remember the story of the weaving. My life is like a tapestry. I see the threads as they are woven in – some in pretty colours, some in shining gold, but some are darker colours i wish were not there, but i see only the underside of the weaving. When the day comes when my time here is done, my Father will show me the upper side of the tapestry and i will rejoice at the beautiful picture. As any artist knows, a picture without shadows has no depth.
        Besides, the journey isn’t just about me, it’s about my children too. Even as i write this, my youngest daughter has marched up to me with a wooden havdalah set and demanded some spices for her spice box – she tells me in a reproving voice that she needs to do havdalah because i ‘forgot’ to do it after shabbat! Perhaps they hold keys to doors i must show them – even if i myself cannot enter.
        I shall wear my tichel as a crown, even if i am a princess in exile, and I shall live my life in such a way that my Father, the King will be proud to call me His daughter, and the Jewish women i have met and so dearly miss, will one day be my beloved sisters….. One day…..

        • Avatar photo Elsie says on August 21, 2013

          I can relate so much to your story and would love to talk more closely and personally with you.

          Allison, would you mind e-connecting Victiria and me? That would be great!

        • Avatar photo Michal LeBaron says on June 10, 2017

          Your words are the words of my soul and resemble the situation I’m in exactly. Can we please connect? I need support and guidance and community!

  • Avatar photo Melanie says on October 24, 2013

    What about legally seperated and non residing with the wife? It must be a clean divorce?

    • Avatar photo Rabbi Jack Abramowitz says on October 24, 2013

      It’s not always black-and-white. The beis din must evaluate each candidate’s personal situation and try to determine which factors are likely to impede the candidate’s chances for success. Still being married, even if legally separated, certainly doesn’t help matters any but I can’t promise that it’s necessarily a deal-breaker.

      Think of it like dating – everyone agrees that it’s wrong to date a married woman. (Even gigolos who actually do it are aware that it’s wrong to do so!) But some men might be comfortable dating a woman who’s legally separated while others might not be.

      While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, I would guess that if the situation (or the husband) is causing drama, a beis din would probably want the candidate to resolve that before proceeding. After all, there’s only so much that a person can handle at once! If nothing else, I think it might be problematic because it would impede the candidate from being able to marry and start a family. But I’d still recommend speaking with the beis din in such a case and seeing what they have to say.

  • Avatar photo Vivi says on February 7, 2017

    Elsie, is there any way we could get in touch? I’m also in Germany and facing the exact situation (actually in Munich as well!), it would be so helpful to learn more about your group! I know this post is quite old but maybe we find a way?

    • Avatar photo Julie Teal says on October 31, 2018

      I am in American and the same thing!

  • Avatar photo Angela says on April 17, 2019

    I cannot believe I found this webpage! American in Munich here. Same situation. Julie, Vivi, Elsie, if there is any way we can connect?
    Hugs, Angela

  • Avatar photo Marie says on May 31, 2019

    I know this post is quite old, but I am in the same situation.
    I and my husband are together for 8 years, he doesn’t have any religion and I am a Christian, but I never felt connected to it. As I got older I started reading the Torah I realised that the Catholic church is doing everythig wrong but I always felt super connected to Judaism.

    We don’t have any kids yet, but I would love to raise my kids in a Jewish home. I even plan to send our future kids to a jewish school.
    Since I was a kid, my primary school was in front of a Jewish state and I would arrive 30 minutes earlier and sit on the wall of the school to watch the families gettig ready. I wished that I was born in those families. I just love the way they put Family and tradition first.

    I have spoken to my husband about my feelings and he said that he doesn’t mind to have a religious home, but he himself, would not convert. But he would attend to special occasions like bar/bat mitzva for the children. Do you think it would be enough?

    I haven’t contacted any rabbi yet. I still studying and reading about it. I don’t mind if it is an orthodox or reform, I just want to belong to the Jewish community. I want to be able to say, I am a jew and my family has a Jewish home.

    • Avatar photo Allison Josephs says on June 3, 2019

      Thanks for your comment, Marie. To have an Orthodox conversion your husband would have to be on the same page, but to be honest, if you want to raise your kids in a way that Judaism permeates their lives, it will be very confusing to see that their father isn’t into. I understand that this is a tough situation and wish you clarity in your journey. Are you sure you don’t have Jewish lineage somewhere? So many gentiles who feel this yearning find out they actually are Jewish. You should look into it.

  • Avatar photo Wilna says on September 9, 2020

    Hi Allison, I am just another woman that lives a sad life on the inside, because of my husband that does not want to commit. He normally procrastinates in most decisions any way. Well in saying that, I found a Shul that does allow me to attend Shul, and they allowed my daughter to be part of the Bat Mitzvah program, but that is how far it can go. The Rabbi did invite my husband to ask questions as many as he likes, and he just did not use the opportunity. Now, I am not sure if it is just me, or could it be that the Rabbi, which told me he could see I am sincere, has closed the opportunity. I can sense that he is not so open and inviting as before to assist us. It feels as if I should not go anymore because it is almost like I am intruding. I did ask if I could convert, and like you said, I was turned down because of my husband. Should I leave the Jewish community, because if I go to Shul, I drive over an hour which I do not mind. I don’t think there will be any Jewish people where I live. I know all about the seven laws of Noach, but my heart cries for more. What is the right thing to do? I have asked my husband to release me, and all he is saying is that I should give him time. It is a couple of years now. I have learnt by watching many Rabbi’s but would may be ask if you could recommend books I can learn from. I am also learning Hebrew. Please help me, because all I wish for is being as close to Jewish as I can be.

    • Avatar photo Allison Josephs says on September 9, 2020

      Maybe you are already Jewish. Why don’t you start looking into your ancestry.

      • Avatar photo Wilna says on September 10, 2020

        Thank you Allison. I am from South Africa living in Australia. It is hard to get papers from there with the political situation. Do you know any other way to find out if I might be Jewish? I have done a lot of research but it is only on the internet. I found my ancestry did come from Portugal and Germany on both my parents names. I found the Jews that went to South Africa in the early years were forced to become christian to otherwise they would not be allowed to enter. They were also forced to take surnames. But I need more proof. If I find the proof, can I take this to my Rabbi? Unfortunately my mom was an orphan but I can still trace my father’s heritage. Will that be of any help? Both my mother and father’s surnames are on the list of Sephardic surnames from Europe. I know to proof I am Jewish, I need proof from my mother’s side?

        • Avatar photo Allison Josephs says on September 14, 2020

          One of our employee’s husbands does genealogy and could be of help https://www.genealogybyeric.com Your mom’s side is what counts though, according to Jewish law. But maybe he can help.

      • Avatar photo Karilee says on November 2, 2023

        Hi Allison, My story is like many others here… we have been married 33 years, married as both christians, have grown children (whom I taught Torah to) and I want to convert and he doesn’t. I have tried to look in my ancestry and there are a lot of Jewish surnames on my moms side, but I don’t know how to find out if they are Jewish. I also can’t find anything before the 1700s. Can you help?

        • Avatar photo Allison Josephs says on November 3, 2023

          We sent your message to a genealogist who may be able to help.

  • Avatar photo Sarah says on February 25, 2021

    Wow im so happy I found this! I have the exact same struggle! Also living in Germany. I want to convert so Orthodox Judaism for 10 years now. When I began I was married to a Muslim and I knew he would NEVER EVER Chance his religion. I always said if we get divorced I’ll convert and find a Jewish husband. But somehow I ended up being married to an ex catholic man. He believes in god but don’t want to belong to a religion. He once had a Jewish girlfriend and their relationship ended because her parents wanted her to Marry a Jew and he didn’t want to convert.
    I wish I could exchange with the other woman from here and find someone to talk about it. Maybe you could help me?!


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