
The Gross Double Standard In “Body Shaming”

Last month we released “The Skin Gap,” a YouTube video which humorously conveys a pervasive gender inequality that no one ever talks about: the societal expectation for thin, young girls and women to show off more skin than their male counterparts in the same social settings. We received a lot of support for this video, […]

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The Skin Gap: A Pervasive Gender Inequality You’ve Never Heard Of

Forced modesty clearly subjugates, but what about the pressure to uncover? With summer nearly upon us, newsstands are replete with magazine covers instructing women on how to get the “perfect beach bod,” but this is not a seasonal phenomenon. In an age when gender equality is on everyone’s mind, there is a discrepancy between the […]

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How Dressing Modestly Gave Me More Confidence About My Body

I was recently talking to a reporter from a major women’s magazine who’s working on a story about Orthodox women and modest dress, and as I was giving her the lowdown, she commented that I seem so confident about my body. Did dressing modestly help me with that, she wanted to know. It was weird, […]

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Orthodox Jews Struggle with Taboo Topics of Sexual Assault and Domestic Abuse & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Netanyahu Appoints Rabbi Drukman’s Student as Next Mossad Chief – “With Cohen’s appointment, three of Israel’s top security officials — the heads of Mossad, the Shabak chief, and police commissioner — are now observant Jews.” Orthodox Jews Grapple With How to Talk About Sexual Assault, Domestic Abuse – More than 1,000 ultra-Orthodox and Orthodox Jews from around the world […]

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Hasidic Song “Bas Kol” Goes Viral & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

A Brooklyn Bakery Appeals to Observant Jews and Pizza Fans – The New York Times writes about Isaac’s Bake Shop, a kosher, Orthodox owned bakery which has a surprisingly large non-kosher fan base. How ‘Bas Kol’ Became a Viral Hasidic Hit – A Yiddish song, sung at a Chasidic wedding becomes an internet sensation! 10 Stylish, Orthodox […]

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The 12 Year Old Orthodox Girl Who Does Gymnastics In A Skirt

This past week was a sort of watershed moment for me as an Orthodox Jewish mom. My 12-year-old daughter, who had never shown any particular interest in gymnastics, suddenly HAD to join a local gym, with her bestest girlfriends, like…ASAP. I casually asked if the class was all female, because she is over the age of bat […]

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